Security and Intelligence Service

of the Republic of Moldova

Job offer

Job offer

Conditions of employment


In accordancewith the provisions of Law no.170-XVI of 19 July 2007 concerning the status of security and intelligence officer,to the position of security and intelligence officer may be employed the person who cumulatively meets the following conditions:


✔    is aged between 21-40 years old and have full legal capacity;

✔    s/he is citizen of the Republic of Moldova and does not have citizenship of another state;

✔    s/he is devoted to the Republic of Moldova;

✔    s/he has the professional training, qualification, physical and psychological skills necessary for employment in the position;

✔    s/he meets the security requirements;

✔    s/he possess the state language and, at least, one foreign language of international communication (fluent level of communication);

✔    s/he commits before the employment in the Service to renounce from membership of any political party or social-political organization, of a governing body / founder of a company, as well as from other quality that is incompatible with the status of intelligence officer.

Conditions on professional training, qualifications, physical capacities, as well as security criteria necessary for employment as intelligence officer are set by internal normative acts of the Service.


Qualities that can recommend you


In socio-human terms - To be devoted to the Republic of Moldova, certainly and firmly, to defend the country's interests,to be aware of issues related to domestic and foreign policies of the state, to properly assess the events taking place in the society;


Professional qualities- establishing and developing relationships with other people, you can influence them, to possess informative-analytical skills, organizational skills, effective work, to cultivate a sense of responsibility and self-criticism, to be disciplined, to observe legitimate rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, of public administration;


Volitional qualities- to be endowed with a strong willed character, to be brave, determined, clever, in difficult situations or in force majeure, to be able to take appropriate measures to address them successfully (including those that involve risk for life);


Morally- to be honest, sincere, honest and respectful relationships with citizens, you should not have addiction for alcohol, drugs, gambling;


General training, development, intellect- to have an advanced level of knowledge and general culture in literature and arts, cultural passions, firm intellectual interests, trends towards spiritual enrichment, neat appearance;


Physical qualities- according to health status to be qualified, able for special or civil service in specific functions, so as to be able to exercise physical and neuropsychological works.


Obligations upon you


✔    to observe the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Moldova, the fundamental human rights and freedoms;

✔    to act with competence, responsibility and commitment to national security, defence of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, protection and promotion of national values ​​and interests of the Republic of Moldova, even under threats to your life, health and property;

✔    to observe the oath and deontological norms of intelligence officer;

✔    to fulfil the duties in good condition;

✔    to be disciplined and vigilant, to show initiative and perseverance;

✔    to observe the principles, norms and rules specific to the Service;

✔    to ensure protection of state secrets and other information with limited accessibility, sources for obtaining them, to keep secret the fulfilled activity;

✔    to continually refine your training;

✔    to file the statement of income and property, in the manner and under the conditions provided by law;

✔    to declare any direct or indirect gift received in relation to the exercised fuction.


Prohibited / restricted rights and freedoms


Right to free movement- movement of intelligence officer across Moldova and abroad is authorised as provided in the normative act of the Service.


Freedom of mind- intelligence officer is prohibited from propagation of any attitude towards religion, as well as adherence to religious cults that violate public order, morals, affect exercising the function or contravene to deontological norms. Practice and participation in cults and religious rituals - only off duty.


Freedom of opinion and expression- intelligence officer is prohibited from publicly expressing opinions contrary to national security interests of the Republic of Moldova, to submit, without approval of the SIS Director, information that shows the activity of the Service or is related to it.


The right to be elected and to conduct political activities- except the right to vote. Political opinions can be expressedonly outside the institution. Within the activity it is prohibited to make propaganda of ideas likely to lead officers to violate the political neutrality.


Freedom of assembly- intelligence officer is prohibited from participating in rallies, demonstrations, manifestations, processions, other political or trade-union meetings other than those under duties.


The right to establish and join trade unions, as well as the right to strike.


Candidates are offered:


  - possibility to perform activities in an institution with traditions, unique in Moldova;


  - possibility to make use of personal skills;


  - interesting and dynamic activity;


  - promotion in positions based on their skills and performance;


  - comprehensive professional training;


  - foreign languages courses;


  - free health care / advantageous social package.