The Security and Intelligence Service has the following duties:
a) In common with public administration authorities and the Interdepartmental Committee for the Protection of State Secret, elaborates and submits to the Government for approval draft normative acts on protection of state secret;
b) provides specialized assistance to public authorities and other legal entities in organizing the activities of protecting the state secret;
c) participates in the development and implementation of state secret protection within public authorities and other legal entities;
d) exerts control over ensuring protection of state secret within public authorities (interdepartmental control) as well as within others legal entities;
e) at the request of heads of public authorities and other legal entities, undertakes control measures regarding citizens to be granted the right of access to state secret;
f) according to established procedure, takes part in issuing facility security clearance necessary for carrying out activities that imply usage of information referred to state secret and exerts control over the activity of security clearance holders that shall be in accordance with the provisions that served as basis for its granting;
g) exerts control and checking over facilities under special regime regarding the observance of the requirements on protecting the state secret;
h) organizes and coordinates certification and expertise of the means of cryptographic and technical protection of state secret;
i) creates governmental telecommunications systems, ensures functioning, safety, maintenance, development and modernization of these systems in order to ensure a secure exchange of information referred to state secret;
j) cooperates with the Interdepartmental Committee for the Protection of State Secret on matters of applying the present law;
k) ascertains cases of violations of norms on state secret protection;
l) within the limits of its competence, exercises other duties in the field of state secret.
List of acts developed by public authorities or other legal entities managing classified information that shall be endorsed/ coordinated with the Security and Intelligence Service:
1. The right of citizen to access state secret.
2. Order of creation (reorganization, liquidation) of the Specialized Division responsible for protecting the state secret within the public authority or other legal entity.
3. Regulations of functioning of the Specialized Division responsible for protecting the state secret within the public authority or other legal entity.
4. Appointment (dismissal) of persons responsible for ensuring the secret regime within the public authority or other legal entity.
5. The Catalogue of functions requiring access to state secret within public authority or other legal entity, as well as any amendment or change of the catalogue.
6. The Program for preventing the disclosure of information from the public authority or other legal entity.