Between November 15-26, the SIS Anti-Terrorism Center organized a training course for the dispatchers of the Single National Service for Emergency Calls 112 (SNUPAU). It aims to facilitate and improve the activity of the SNUPAU 112 employees and to develop constructive behaviour patterns.
For two weeks, officers covered the following topics: identification of potential security risks, mechanisms for alerting emergency services and institutions responsible for terrorism data collection and processing, as well as development of optimal response and mental resilience capabilities in exceptional circumstances.
During the training process, the participants received the Interview Guide for situations related to terrorism, created for the dispatchers of the 112 Service – an institution that is an important link in the field of national security, with the mission of protecting the life and health of the population on the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The training is part of a range of actions of the Security and Intelligence Service aimed at developing and improving reaction and response procedures, as well as operating standards at the inter-institutional level in situations of terrorism crisis.